ACI Design

Indian Trail, North Carolina
Available upon request

ACI Design is a 32 year veteran in the trade show business that specializes in trade show exhibits, displays, corporate environments, museum exhibits, large format graphics, and related support services. We are based in the Charlotte, North Carolina metro region (Indian Trail) and serve businesses and institutions all around the country for their displays.

Products include:
banner stands, - portable exhibits and displays, - custom fabricated exhibits, - exhibit rentals, - corporate interiors display, - museum displays.

Services include:
Concept development and design graphics layout - CAD, - project management, - show site services, - warehouse storage, - program logistics.


Clients Served:
A list of clients we have serviced is available upon request.



Price List:
Base prices for stock solutions can be found on our site at Call or email us for custom needs.


Market Area: Nationwide!

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