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Why Attend
The Sunbelt Ag Expo is an agricultural-based trade show. It is known as North America’s premier farm show.
Why Attend – 2022
Static exhibits, a working farm, equipment demos, driving ranges and educational opportunities combine to make Expo the most comprehensive farm show in the Southeastern United States.
The annual event has more than 1200 exhibitors showcasing the latest in farming technology. There are also over 300 different seminars and demonstrations offered over the course of the 3-day event covering topics such as Beef Cattle Management, Equine, Goat & Sheep Health, Fish/Pond Management, Alpaca, Dairy, Poultry, Electrical Safety, backyard gardening and sustainable living topics.
The Expo’s unique site has a 100-acre exhibit area adjoining a 600-acre working research farm. In the exhibit area, which includes both outdoor and indoor exhibits attendees will find every imaginable product or service a farm could ever need.
A variety of exhibitor areas offer something for everyone. These include Agribusiness, Tractors/Equipment, irrigation, Precision Farming, Livestock (Beef Cattle, Horses, Dairy, Poultry, Sheep, Goats, Alpacas) Forestry, Antique Tractors, Automotive Section, Lawn, Garden, Fish Ponds, Electricity, Propane Gas, Hunting, Fishing, Family Living, Backyard Gardening, ATV, American Grand Finals Stock Dog Trials. There is an Antique Tractor Parade held daily, test tracks for Trucks, ATVS and XUVs.
In addition, attendees can ride take a tram from the exhibit area to the fields where cotton, peanuts, corn, soybeans, and hay are being harvested. These harvesting demonstrations, as well as tillage demonstrations, equipment driving ranges, irrigation technology and precision ag demonstrations all provide opportunities to see and compare a wide range of equipment in an actual working setting. Company representatives and specialists are in the fields to answer visitor questions.
Why Exhibit – 2022
Exhibitors will get an opportunity to maximize their reach, and promote their business and product to the 10-state audience and beyond.
The Farm Show Council strives to improve the value of its member shows through education, communication and evaluation. The overall goal of the Council is to provide the best possible marketing showcase for exhibitors of agricultural equipment and related products to the farmer/rancher/producer customer.
Source: Event Website
Source : Event Website
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