Remediation & Management of Contaminated Sediments 2025 Conference
Key Metrics
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Why Attend
The International Conference on the Remediation and Management of Contaminated Sediments is a premier technical conference.
Why Attend – 2023
The Conference will be designed for and presented by scientists, engineers, regulators, remediation site owners, constructors, and other environmental professionals representing universities, government agencies, consultants, and R&D and service firms from around the world.
It will be a forum for sharing research results, practical experiences, and opportunities associated with investigating, remediating, and restoring the environmental and economic vitality of waterways.
Conference features include short courses, the Plenary Session, the Welcome Hall, and the Exhibit Hall. The technical program will be conducted with platform talks and panel discussions during the day and poster receptions in the evenings.
The platform and poster sessions will be organized around the following major themes:
• Characterization, Assessment and Monitoring
• Environmental Processes and Modeling
• Management Approaches and Policy
• Remediation and Restoration Planning
• Remedy and Restoration Implementation
A student paper competition will be conducted and networking and career development opportunities will be provided for students during the Conference.
Attendees will be able to generate exposure, demonstrate use, or solicit feedback for a technology, software, prototype, or tool in a 25-minute, hands-on demonstration, or user experience, in the Learning Lab.
Why Exhibit – 2023
Organizations that provide environmental assessment, remediation, and management services and products will get an opportunity to exhibit at the show.
Exhibitors will have the opportunity to present information to a focused audience of more than 1,000 people who acquire and use environmental management products and services at industrial and government sites around the world.
Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, since its founding in 1929, Battelle serves the national security, health and life sciences and energy and environmental industries.
Battelle's environmental engineers, scientists and professionals offer focused expertise to government and industrial clients in the U.S. and abroad. Combining sound science and engineering solutions with creative management strategies, Battelle works with clients to develop innovative, sustainable and cost-effective solutions to complex problems in site characterization, assessment, monitoring, remediation, restoration and management.
Source: Event Website
Source : Event Website