NEA Annual Meeting and Representative Assembly (RA) - NEA Expo 2019 - National Education Association

Jul 4 - 7, 2019 In-person
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The World’s Largest Democratic Deliberative Assembly

NEA’s Annual Meeting takes place during the final week of June and/or the first week of July. Various committees, constituencies, caucuses, leadership groups, and delegates from state and local affiliates gather to set policy and chart the direction of NEA business. The 2019 Annual Meeting will take place in Houston, Texas.

The Representative Assembly (RA) takes place during the final four days of the Annual Meeting. It is the primary legislative and policymaking body of the Association and derives its powers from, and is responsible to, the membership. The Representative Assembly adopts the strategic plan and budget, resolutions, the Legislative Program, and other policies of the Association.

Delegates vote by secret ballot on proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws. Those delegates with full voting rights elect the executive officers, Executive Committee members, and at-large members of the NEA Board of Directors, as appropriate.

The RA consists of some 8,000 delegates representing state and local affiliates, student members, retired members, and other segments of the united education profession. Further information on the RA is contained in Article III of the Constitution (PDF Icon PDF, 101 KB, 31 pgs.) and in Bylaw 3 (PDF Icon PDF, 207 KB, 31 pgs.). The RA is the largest democratic deliberative assembly in the world and adheres to Roberts Rules of Order.

Expo Hall Information:

No Expo Scheduled for 2019 Annual Meeting in Houston

The NEA Annual Meeting schedule has been shortened by one day, with no provision for a commercial expo. The meeting will begin on July 3rd with registration, state caucus meetings, and the Delegate Experience that includes PAC, LAC, Member Benefits, non-profits, candidates, etc. The RA will be held July 4-7.

The 2018 National Education Association Representative Assembly (RA) convened less than a week after the U.S. Supreme Court struck a blow against working people with its decision in Janus v. AFSCME. How to thrive in a post-Janus  world was just one of the many pressing issues on the minds of the 6,200 delegates as they entered the Minneapolis Convention Center on July 2.

The challenges to educators and public schools are mounting, but by the closing gavel four days later, the delegates left Minneapolis ready to harness the energy of the burgeoning Red for Ed movement and meet them head on.

These are dark days, NEA President Lily Eskselsen García told the gathered educators in her keynote address, because “billionaires have placed themselves over the rest of us; they have no sense of servant leadership; Billionaires believe that they are our rulers.”

But there is a groundswell of energy and support for public education that is already having an enormous impact. The movement started in West Virginia in February and quickly spread to Kentucky, Oklahoma, Arizona, Colorado, and North Carolina.

Source: Event Website

Source : Event Website

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Future and Past Event Dates
Date Location Atten Exhib
Jul 02, 2025 Portland, Oregon Estimated
Jul 03, 2024 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Estimated
Jul 02, 2023 Orlando, Florida Estimated
Jul 03, 2022 Chicago, Illinois Estimated
Jul 01, 2021 , - -
Jul 01, 2020 Atlanta, Georgia Estimated
Jul 04, 2019 Houston, Texas verified
Jun 30, 2018 Minneapolis, Minnesota verified
Jun 30, 2017 Boston, Massachusetts - -
Jul 02, 2016 , - -
Jul 01, 2015 Orlando, Florida - -
Jul 01, 2014 Denver, Colorado - -
Jul 01, 2013 Atlanta, Georgia - -