FCCLA 2018 National Leadership Conference - Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
Key Metrics
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Why Attend
Event Overview:
Join the National Executive Council as we share experiences together, and empower each other to spread our wings, put our ideas into action, and inspire chain reactions in all aspects of our lives.
Exhibitors provide members and advisers with information about career options, education resources, fundraisers, and training opportunities available to them. As part of the exhibit hall, the FCCLA store will be available for attendees to purchase FCCLA publications and emblematic gear.
Competitive Events
Involvement in FCCLA's Competitive Events programs offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop skills for life necessary in families, communities, and workplaces.
Exhibitor Information:
FCCLA members from across the country gather together every summer for the National Leadership Conference. This conference provides an opportunity for students and advisers to come together for fun, inspiration, to expand leadership skills, sharpen talents, and explore career pathways. As an exhibitor, you can be part of this wonderful experience while gaining vast exposure!
The FCCLA National Leadership Conference draws over 7,500 members from around the country consisting of Family and Consumer Sciences teachers, decision-makers, and highly motivated student-leaders.
Why Exhibit:
Audience of advisers and student leaders who are looking for resources to take back to their school and community that are unavailable to them locally.
A new school year brings a fresh excitement along with it! FCCLA members are eager to learn about what you have to offer and to hear your message.
A different audience from those who attend the National Leadership Conference.
Opportunity to submit a proposal to present an Exhibitor Workshop.
About FCCLA:
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is a nonprofit national career and technical student organization for young men and women in Family and Consumer Sciences education in public and private school through grade 12. Everyone is part of a family, and FCCLA is the only national Career and Technical Student Organization with the family as its central focus. Since 1945, FCCLA members have been making a difference in their families, careers, and communities by addressing important personal, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences education.
Today 200,000 members in more than 5,500 chapters are active in a network of associations in 50 states, including the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Chapter projects focus on a variety of youth concerns, including teen pregnancy, parenting, family relationships, substance abuse, peer pressure, environment, nutrition and fitness, teen violence, and career exploration. Involvement in FCCLA offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop skills for life -- planning, goal setting, problem solving, decision making, and interpersonal communication -- necessary in the home and workplace.
Source : Event Website